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/* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField8_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField8_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField8_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField21_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Yes"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField22_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField22_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField22_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField21_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"No"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField24_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField24_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField24_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField32_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"No"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField33_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField33_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField33_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField44_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Yes, other Spanish/Hispanic/Latina"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField102_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField102_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField102_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField45_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Other Asian"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField112_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField112_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField112_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField45_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"American Indian or Alaskan Native"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField108_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField108_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField108_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField45_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Other Pacific Islander"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField104_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField104_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField104_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField45_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Other"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField46_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField46_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField46_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField49_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Yes"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField50_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField50_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField50_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField55_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Divorced"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField115_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField115_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField115_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField55_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Never Married"},{"ElementName":"FormField55_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Divorced"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'or\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField56_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField56_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField56_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField55_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Married/Separated"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField117_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField117_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField117_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField58_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Yes, I require an Affidavit of Parentage."},{"ElementName":"FormField58_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"No, my spouse will be listed on the birth certificate."}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'or\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField118_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField118_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField118_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField82_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Other"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField83_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField83_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField83_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField72_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Yes"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField87_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField87_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField87_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField88_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"Yes"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField89_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField89_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField89_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField88_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec","Value":"No"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField91_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField91_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField91_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);'; if(fbScriptTag.length === 0) { fbScriptTag = document.querySelector("script[src*='9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec']"); } else { fbScriptTag = fbScriptTag[0]; } fbRenderContainer.id = "formRenderContainer"; fbRenderContainer.className = " fbRenderContainer fbRenderContainer_9cdc082e-d203-4800-aeaf-c59bfdc519ec"; 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Required fields are marked with *

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Contact Information

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Child's Information

Baby's Legal Name

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Parent 1: Birth Mother's Information

Please put mother's complete full name. (First, Middle, and Last Name)

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Enter 888-88-8888 if you do not have a Social Security Number and/or if you don't know your number at the time you are filling out the form.
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Marital Status of Birthing Mother

If not married, do you and the baby's father intend to complete an affidavit of parentage (AOP) in which he acknowledges that he is the natural father and accepts legal responsibility for the child? If so, both parents must be in agreement and the father must present to the birth registrar to complete the form. If you are not married, and an AOP is not completed, information about the father CANNOT be on the birth certificate. The father of the baby will need to be present at the time the birth certificate is completed to sign the AOP. The father will need to have a government issued PHOTO ID that has not expired.

If you are separated or still legally married to someone other than the father of the baby (at birth, conception, or in between birth and conception), the natural father of the baby cannot be listed on the birth certificate. However, an Affidavit of Parentage (AOP) may be completed. The father of the baby will need to be present at the time the birth certificate is completed to sign the AOP. The father will need to have a government issued PHOTO ID that has not expired.

Parent 2: Father/Spouse Information

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Enter 888-88-8888 if you do not have a Social Security Number and/or if you don’t know your number at the time you are filling out the form.
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The following fields are required or invalid.

IMPORTANT! - Please review your answers and make sure all fields are filled out completely before you hit submit. If any information is missing, our birth registry team will need to reach out to you to get those details.  Thank you!

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