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i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField6_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField6_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField6_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField13_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"One-time gift via Payroll Deduction"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField14_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField14_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField14_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField13_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"Donation every pay period via Payroll Deduction"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField16_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField16_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField16_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField17_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"Other"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField23_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField23_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField23_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField13_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"PTO Payroll Deduction"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField20_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField20_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField20_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField10_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"I want to support the United Way of Story County"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField33_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField33_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField33_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField35_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"One-time gift via Payroll Deduction"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField36_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField36_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField36_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField35_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"Donation every pay period via Payroll Deduction"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField38_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField38_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField38_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField39_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"Other"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField40_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField40_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField40_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField35_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"PTO Payroll Deduction"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField43_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField43_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField43_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField10_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"I want to support the United Way of Story County"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField46_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField46_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField46_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField10_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"I want to support the United Way of Story County"},{"ElementName":"FormField10_d733f9d6-6622-4c6a-a352-8a9b479f3dae","Value":"I want to support the Mary Greeley Cares - Employee Giving Campaign"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'or\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; 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Required fields are marked with *

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Please select the campaign(s) you wish to support: 

This year we are focusing on the Mary Greeley CARES fund. We understand that you may have an interest in donating to other priorities. Please contact Mercedes McCay Read at mccayread@mgmc.com to discuss your donation.

\ \
$5 minimum. Deduction will be on the 1/7/2025 paycheck
\ \
Minimum $1 per pay period. Whole dollar figure only.
\ \
PTO gifts will be deducted on 1/7/2025, you must have hours available in your account at that time.
United Way of Story County Donation

Your undesignated gift will benefit over 30,000 people in Story County. If you wish to designate your gift, a minimum of $50 per designation is required. Please visit www.uwstory.org for more information.

United Way of Story County is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization, and does not provide goods or services in whole or partial consideration for this contribution made to us. Please consult your tax advisor concerning your specific gift deductibility. For payroll deduction contributions, the IRS requires you to keep a copy of this pledge form along with your payroll receipt, W2 or other employer documents to verify any payroll amount paid to United Way of Story County.

\ \
Deduction will be on the 1/7/2025 paycheck
\ \
Minimum $1 per pay period. Whole dollar figure only.
\ \
PTO gifts will be deducted on 1/7/2025, you must have hours available in your account at that time.
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