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i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField74_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField74_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField74_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField78_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Update Credentialing Contact information"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; 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i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField80_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField80_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField80_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField78_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Remove Location from Practitioner"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField87_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField87_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField87_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField78_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Remove Practitioner - No longer Employed"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField92_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField92_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField92_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField78_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Practitioner Name Change"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField97_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField97_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField97_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField78_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Accepting/Not Accepting Patients"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField102_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField102_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField102_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField70_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"I need to add/update Organization information"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField132_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField132_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField132_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Add Location"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField139_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField139_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField139_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField207_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Other"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField210_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField210_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField210_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Add Location"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField265_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField265_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField265_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField266_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Yes"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField229_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField229_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField229_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField264_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Other"},{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Add Location"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField268_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField268_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField268_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Remove Location"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField170_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField170_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField170_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Update Phone / Fax / Email / Website"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField270_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField270_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField270_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Update Phone / Fax / Email / Website"},{"ElementName":"FormField343_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Phone"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField341_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField341_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField341_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Update Phone / Fax / Email / Website"},{"ElementName":"FormField343_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Fax"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField344_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField344_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField344_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Update Phone / Fax / Email / Website"},{"ElementName":"FormField343_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Email"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField347_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField347_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField347_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Update Phone / Fax / Email / Website"},{"ElementName":"FormField343_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Website"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField350_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField350_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField350_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Update Physical / Correspondence / Payment Address"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField288_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField288_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField288_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Update Physical / Correspondence / Payment Address"},{"ElementName":"FormField316_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Physical address"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField306_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField306_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField306_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Update Physical / Correspondence / Payment Address"},{"ElementName":"FormField316_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Correspondence Address"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField317_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField317_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField317_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Update Physical / Correspondence / Payment Address"},{"ElementName":"FormField316_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Payment Address"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField329_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField329_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField329_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Change Name"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField353_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField353_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField353_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField354_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"I need to change the name of a single location"},{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Change Name"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField355_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField355_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField355_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Change Name"},{"ElementName":"FormField354_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"I need to change the name of all locations under a tax id"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField371_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField371_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField371_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"NPI Change"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField383_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField383_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField383_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField388_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"No"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField389_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField389_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField389_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField388_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"No"},{"ElementName":"FormField398_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Yes"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField399_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField399_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField399_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"TIN Change"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField408_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField408_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField408_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Provider Portal Local Administrator Change"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField413_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField413_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField413_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField138_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8","Value":"Update Contracting Contact information"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField430_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField430_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField430_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);'; if(fbScriptTag.length === 0) { fbScriptTag = document.querySelector("script[src*='05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8']"); } else { fbScriptTag = fbScriptTag[0]; } fbRenderContainer.id = "formRenderContainer"; fbRenderContainer.className = " fbRenderContainer fbRenderContainer_05646f0e-8732-4fea-a9e3-133ecc6daef8"; 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