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i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField36_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField36_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField36_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField14_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9","Value":"Billing"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField34_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField34_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField34_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField14_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9","Value":"Birth Certificates"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField32_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField32_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField32_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField14_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9","Value":"Careers"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField30_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField30_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField30_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField14_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9","Value":"Medical Records and MyChart"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField28_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField28_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField28_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField14_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9","Value":"Medication Refills"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField26_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField26_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField26_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField14_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9","Value":"Patient Care Issue/Concern"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField24_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField24_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField24_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField14_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9","Value":"Physician Referral"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField22_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField22_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField22_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField14_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9","Value":"Thank a Team Member"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField20_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField20_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField20_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField14_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9","Value":"Volunteering"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField18_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField18_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField18_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);var conditionalSectionJs = function () {\ requirejs([window.formHost + \'/Scripts/require/fbRequire.config.js\'], function (fbRequireConfig) {\ var fbRequire = fbRequireConfig.fbRequire;\ \ fbRequire([\'jquery\', \'he\'], function ($, he) {\ he.encode.options.decimal = true;\ he.encode.options.allowUnsafeSymbols = true;\ \ var sectionConditions = JSON.parse(\'[{"ElementName":"FormField14_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9","Value":"Other/General Inquiries"}]\');\ var conditionOperator = \'and\';\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").addClass(\'conditionalSectionListSelection\');\ \ $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ \ $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']").on(\'change\', function () {\ checkShowHide();\ });\ });\ \ function checkShowHide() {\ var shouldShowSection = conditionOperator === \'and\'; /* set default to true for AND operation and false for OR operation */\ \ sectionConditions.forEach(function (sectionCondition) {\ checkSelect(sectionCondition); \ checkCheckbox(sectionCondition); \ checkRadio(sectionCondition); \ });\ \ showHideSection(shouldShowSection);\ \ function checkSelect(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingSelect = $("select[id=" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "]")[0];\ \ if (!matchingSelect) {\ return;\ }\ \ if (matchingSelect.type === \'select-multiple\') {\ var hasOneMatchingValue = false;\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingSelect.selectedOptions.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingSelect.selectedOptions[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ hasOneMatchingValue = true;\ }\ }\ \ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, hasOneMatchingValue, matchingSelect);\ } else {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, encode(matchingSelect.value) === sectionCondition.Value, matchingSelect);\ }\ }\ \ function checkCheckbox(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingCheckboxes = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'checkbox\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingCheckboxes.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingCheckboxes[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingCheckboxes[i].checked, matchingCheckboxes[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ \ function checkRadio(sectionCondition) {\ var matchingRadios = $("input[id^=\'" + sectionCondition.ElementName + "\'][type=\'radio\']");\ \ for (var i = 0; i < matchingRadios.length; i++) {\ if (encode(matchingRadios[i].value) === sectionCondition.Value) {\ shouldShowSection = mergeCondition(shouldShowSection, matchingRadios[i].checked, matchingRadios[i]);\ }\ }\ }\ }\ \ function mergeCondition(overallResult, newResult, element) {\ newResult = newResult && isParentVisible(element);\ \ if (conditionOperator === \'and\') {\ return overallResult && newResult;\ } else {\ return overallResult || newResult;\ }\ }\ \ function isParentVisible(element) {\ var parentSectionDiv = $(\'#\' + element.id).closest(".fb-section");\ return parentSectionDiv && !parentSectionDiv.is(":hidden");\ }\ \ function encode(myString) {\ myString = he.encode(he.escape(myString));\ \ /* Fixes issues with single quote and backtick encoding */\ var i,\ entities = [\ [\''\', \''\'],\ [\'`\', \'`\']\ ];\ \ for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {\ myString = String(myString).replace(new RegExp(entities[i][0], \'g\'), entities[i][1]);\ }\ \ return myString;\ }\ \ function showHideSection(showSection) {\ if (showSection) {\ $(\'#FormField12_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').show();\ } else {\ $(\'#FormField12_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9\').hide();\ }\ \ $("#FormField12_b74bfa60-3379-4269-90ca-c89cf10bb4c9 .conditionalSectionListSelection").each(function (i, obj) {\ if (obj.type === \'radio\' || obj.type === \'checkbox\') {\ if (obj.checked) {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ } else {\ $(\'#\' + obj.id).change();\ }\ });\ }\ });\ });\ };\ \ fbRequireJSScript.addEventListener("load", conditionalSectionJs);(function ($) {\ var fbSubmitButton = $("#fb-submitButton"),\ fbTopicSelect = $(".inquiry-topic-select select");\ fbSubmitButton.hide();\ fbTopicSelect.change(function() {\ if (fbTopicSelect.val().indexOf("General Inquiries") >= 0 || fbTopicSelect.val().indexOf("Patient Care") >= 0) {\ fbSubmitButton.show();\ } else {\ fbSubmitButton.hide();\ };\ });\ })(jQuery);'; 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Required fields are marked with *

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Appointments for many services and doctors can be made online on our Make an Appointment page or in Englewood Health's MyChart patient portal.

To cancel or change an existing appointment, please contact your doctor's office directly or cancel in MyChart.

Patient Billing and Financial Counseling Department

Send us a secure message

Or call 201-894-3031 Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Related Phone Numbers

If you have questions about bills received from physicians, please contact the customer service number on the bill:

For new certificates for your baby born at Englewood Hospital, call 201-894-3250.

Copies of previously issued birth certificates for babies born at Englewood Hospital are handled by the local health department.

For assistance, call 201-568-3450. You can also request through VitalChek or the NJ State Department of Health.

Please visit our Career Opportunities page for more information about open positions and our hiring process.

If you are looking to follow up on an application, see our job application FAQs to learn more.

Our online patient portal, MyChart, gives you access to your discharge instructions, lab and pathology test reports, and radiology results.

Requests for paper copies must be submitted through an Authorization for Release of Information form. Learn more

For more information, call 201-894-3169.

For problems or concerns with MyChart, call 201-894-3700.

For medication refills and questions, please contact your doctor's office directly by phone or through Englewood Health's MyChart patient portal.

For current questions about your care and treatment, please contact your doctor’s office through MyChart or phone. We cannot accept medical questions through this form.

If you have concerns related to your care, safety, or service and wish to contact our management team, please fill out the form below. 

If a matter remains unresolved after contacting us, you may contact The Joint Commission at 800-994-6610 or the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services at 800-792-9770 for further assistance.

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if different from patient
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1000 characters maximum

If you need help finding a doctor, please use our online physician referral service or call 833-234-2234.

If an employee, physician, or volunteer made a difference for you during your hospital stay or visit, and you want to send your appreciation, please fill out this form.

Your submission will be shared with the team member and his or her manager and may be used in internal recognition activities.

Learn about and apply to become an Englewood Health volunteer.

Do not use this form as a way to seek medical help. If you need medical care, please call your physician. Please do not include personal health information in your message.

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