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Required fields are marked with *

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If you're experiencing a medical emergency call 911.

Due to the high volume of submissions, it may take up to 7 to 10 business days before you receive a response. If you have a time-sensitive inquiry or request, call the Concord Hospital Department you're seeking to reach.

Medical advice is not provided in response to inquiries submitted via this form. Contact your provider's office via My Patient Connect or by calling your provider's office for medical advice. If you don't have a primary care provider, call our Physician Referral Line at (603) 224-7879 for help finding a primary care doctor.

Medical Records Requests

Medical records requests are not accepted via email. For information on how to request copies of your medical records visit: https://www.concordhospital.org/patients-visitors/medical-records/

NOTE: Do not use this form if your message is for your doctor's office. Instead, login to My Patient Connect to reach your doctor's office. Login at: www.concordhospital.org/mypatientconnect
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