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Required fields are marked with *

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Scholarship Application

When you apply for and are awarded a scholarship from our scholarship fund you receive philanthropic dollars to support your pursuit of a career in the nursing or allied healthcare professions. Multiple scholarships are available to deserving students and Concord Hospital employees pursuing careers primarily in nursing and, on a limited basis, to students pursuing careers in various qualifying fields of allied health care. To be considered, applicants must submit the online application and all supplemental documentation no later than April 21, 2024. Applications for which the supplemental documents have not been received will not be considered. Scholarship awards typically range from $500 - $3,000, and award recipients are notified by mid-June.

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These are cities in Concord Hospital's primary service area.
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Only if applicable.

To be eligible to apply you must:

*Graduated from high school or passed the General Education Development (GED)/Hi-Set test.

Students choosing to apply as an allied healthcare applicant must be enrolled in a specialized program that results in immediate eligibility for registration, certification or licensure to provide high quality patient care services (i.e., no broad-based programs such as Biology, Health Education, etc.).


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Estimate your educational cost for the next school year.
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(Please specify, e.g. transportation):
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Include Source of Funding and Dollar Amount
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All applications are reviewed by the Trust Scholarship Fund Committee which includes nurses, educators, allied health professionals and others.

In order to know you better, in an essay of no more than 500 words, please explain why you want to become a nurse or allied healthcare professional. Essays of greater than 500 words will not be considered.

If you have received a prior Trust Scholarship award, please do not resubmit a prior essay unless it has been modified to reflect your further experience and growth.

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Your electronic signature shall have the same force and effect as your written signature.
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Your electronic signature shall have the same force and effect as your written signature.

In order to complete your application, you must submit a paper or electronic copy of the student aid worksheet,* your school's financial aid award letter, and your official high school or college transcripts to:

Jessica Lassonde, Trust Associate
Concord Hospital Trust
242 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 225-2711, ext. 3082

College students who have completed two or more years of higher education need only submit the most recent college transcripts.

*To access the student aid worksheet, use the link
provided in the sidebar on this page.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. If the necessary supplemental documents have not been submitted in addition to the online application by the April deadline, the application will be considered incomplete.

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